Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Enterprise Content Management Software

Every company needs to manage and create its information layer in an efficient way to do well in business. To meet this end they take help of various tools available in the market, but one tool that is proving to be their best aid in this endeavor is enterprise content management software. It helps in creating and managing professional-looking, dynamic websites and internal Intranet pages and menu systems that simultaneously comply with style guides and efficiently present information to the relevant users. Enterprise content management software supports content management and publishing of multiple Intranet, Extranet and Internet pages and also facilitates websites to be hosted on the same server or on multiple external servers. Its content editing, workflow and management approval features support collaboration, while ensuring users to remain in control of the content creation process across the enterprise.
Enterprise content management software is fully integrated with document manager, which allows users to browse the document management software systems to create links to relevant application files and folders. It supports both permission based and public access web page publishing that enables companies to present a consistent brand and usewr experience throughout Intranet, extranet and Internet pages. It offers SEO friendly template, headers and XML site maps and help users to control metadata and generate W3C compliant pages, which are important from SEO point of view. Enterprise content management software provides quick and easy search capability of all page content, according to users permission and users can specify the content they are looking for or simply view the entire content in the information layer across the enterprise, including web pages as well as application files, forum posts and other information types.
Enterprise content management software has a sophisticated permission structure, which allows the administrators to specify which user can view and edit the individual web pages and once edits have been made, users with approval rights receive automatic notification. These features of enterprise content management software streamlines the editing process and eliminates chances of unauthorized publishing. Its check in and check out functionality ensures that only one user can update a page at a time, avoiding version duplication and providing complete version control and revision history. It also helps in maintaining a fully traceable record of all revisions that provide comprehensive audit of all changes made. Enterprise content management software has really proved a boon for the companies and is helping them in a big way in their success.


Claromentis is a leading Enterprise Content Management Software company operating across the domestic and commercial sectors providing wide range of Enterprise Content Management Software.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/software-articles/enterprise-content-management-software-848306.html